The Visual Science Communication Toolkit
Visualization plays an important role in understanding, interpreting, and communicating science. As scientists of tomorrow, undergraduate biology students need to be equipped with these essential skills. This toolkit is a set of multimedia learning modules that lays out the best practices of visual science communication for biology students and instructors.
Jodie Jenkinson, Nicholas Woolridge, and Marc Dryer, Biomedical Communications, University of Toronto
Schönborn, K. J., & Anderson, T. R. (2006). The importance of visual literacy in the education of biochemists. In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (Vol. 34, Issue 2). Fr
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S. Hinić-Frlog (personal communication, June 14, 2021), instructor of BIO209 on the Mississauga campus (maximum enrollment of 408 students), noticed a slightly larger update this year for an assignment that asks students to summarize a concept or explain a disease in a format of their choice (e.g. paintings, infographics, etc.). This assignment acted as a replacement for one of BIO209’s tests. M. Neumann (personal communication, June 15, 2021), instructor of BIO130 on the St.George campus (maximum enrollment of 1680 students), added a research poster component to online labs as they could not do in-person labs. Labov, J. B., Reid, A. H., & Yamamoto, K. R. (2010). Integrated biology and undergraduate science education: a new biology education for the twenty-first century?. CBE life sciences education, 9(1), 10–16. Rodríguez Estrada, F. C., & Davis, L. S. (2015). Improving Visual Communication of Science Through the Incorporation of Graphic Design Theories and Practices Into Science Communication. Science Communication, 37(1). Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2020). Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied Developmental Science, 24(2). Hepworth, K., Ivey, C. E., Canon, C., & Holmes, H. A. (2020). Embedding online, design-focused data visualization instruction in an upper-division undergraduate atmospheric science course. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68(2). Colin Ware, Visual Thinking for Design Bang Wong, Points of View